New opportunities, new learning environments
e-Learning offers new opportunities for both educators and learners to
enrich their teaching and learning experiences, through virtual environ-
ments that support not just the delivery but also the exploration and appli-
cation of information and the promotion of new knowledge. The focus for
any exploration of the state-of-the art of e-Learning is therefore no more
and no less than the combination and convergence of the most advanced
features of digital information and communication technologies, for exam-
ple, live broadcasts, mobile video and audio telecommunications, three-
dimensional (3D) graphics, email, the Web and object-oriented interfaces,
all of which can be designed to support, create and deliver significant edu-
cational experiences and environments. Concerns about a lack of face-to-
face contact have given rise in some contexts to a mix of e-Learning, which
may be ‘at a distance’, and more conventional face-to-face learning in the
classroom; a process entitled ‘blended learning’. e-Learning enables learn-
ers to have as much choice as is practically and economically possible.
e-Learning takes place in online environments that range from providing
information to engaging the learner in complex interactive simulations.
Managed learning environments have been developed to provide an elec-
tronic solution to managing the complexity not just of the learning